Lifter Bushing Machining and Installation
Lifter bushing machining and installation
Original Price: $750.00
The CNC Probing Routing Verifies the lifter bores to the exact diameter, blueprint location and angle so corrections can be made to their position in an engine block front-to-rear and up-and-down, as well as to restore the correct lifter bore angle as referenced from the cam-crank centerline .
Machine lifter bores to the exact diameter, location and angle. True up the stock size and location or bore complete new diameter, location or angle. The CNC Machine enables the lifter bores and correct their position in an engine block front-to-rear and up-and-down, as well as to restore the correct lifter bore angle as referenced from the cam-crank center line. The CNC Engine Block Blueprinting machine utilizes the lifter blueprinting program to positions the precise blueprinted lifter bore location and angle.
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